The check-in for charterflights opens 2 hours before departure and closes 60 minutes prior to departure (the bagdrop is also closing 60 minutes prior to departure).
Be at the airport in good time before your flight. Once the check-in has closed a booked passengers have expended their place.
Presentation of travel documents
Valid ID must be presented upon check-in and when boarding. The Boardingcard must be presented at the securitycontrol and when boarding.
When you travel abroad you need to be able to identify you, either with a passport or a national identity card.
If you dont have a Swedish passport, you will get more information from the police, otherwise contact your embassy. Read more at the Swedish Police website
Keep in mind that it is always the passenger's responsibility to have valid travel documents.
In order to travel to certain countries it requires a visa. Contact your travelagent or the country's embassy for more information about visas and how to make an application.
Personal control
When you as EU-citizens traveling to countries included in the Schengen there is normally no personal checks, but you still have to present a passport or national identity card to prove your citizenship. When traveling to countries that are not part of the Schengen there are personal checks and you must be able to show passport.
Seating at the charterflights
If you want to be guaranteed to sit next to each other at our charterflight it is recommended that you pre-book and pay for your seats in advance. If the travelling company are booked on the same ticket the airline will do their best so seat you next to each other, but there is no guarantee.