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Inauguration of the new restaurant Momento Airport

Thanks to Momento Airport and Momento Group for a great launch yesterday!

It was a festive opening when Momento Airport opened the doors to the new airport restaurant. Bubbles, balloons, lovely mingling, live music with the talented Peter von Rennenkampff and very good food!
We would like to take the opportunity to send a big thank you to ROL Retail Concepts, who were behind most of the new restaurant environment. From layout and concept to construction and special solutions. We think the result was super nice!

Momento Airport serves lunch Mon-Fri at 11.00-14.30. Great possibilities are available for conferences and events in the new restaurant. On all charter flights, both the restaurant and bar are open after the security check for those who want to eat or drink something good before the flight takes off.

Welcome! See you at Momento Airport!

Photo: Momento Group