Flight planning
General Information
Swedish AIP Ad (ESGJ)
ESGJ Maps and charts
Summary of Swedish NOTAM
Check NOTAM for more information
Hours of operations will be published in NOTAM
Outside TWR opening hours published in NOTAM, PPR applies to all traffic.
During TWR opening hours published in NOTAM, PPR applies to traffic exceeding MTOW 4000kg.
Handling requests are answered as soon as possible and should at all times be sent to Traffic Coordinator:
Email: groundhandling@jonkopingairport.se
Phone (within officehours): +46 (0)36 - 31 12 11
or by using the form below.
Border control
Please note that as of 02SEP2024 new opening hours applies for the border police at Jönköping Airport.
Border control is open Mon-Sun 09.00-15.00 local time.
Flying with drones/UAS/UAV
Rules and guidelines from Transportstyrelsen (in Swedish)
Permission to fly in Jönköping control zone is required.
Application must be sent to ats.jonkoping@acr-sweden.se
More information can be found at Transportstyrelsen home page.
Handling company
Ramphandling office: Jönköping Airport
Phone to Traffic Coordinator: + 46 (0)36 - 31 12 11 (within officehours)
Urgent requests for operations outside officehours should be made to Teamleader.
Phone: + 46 (0)36 - 31 12 32
Passenger handling: Jönköping Airport
Phone: + 46 (0)36 - 31 12 02
Freq: 131,800
Aviation Capacity Resources AB, ACR, from 01 january 2014.
ESGJ Tower
Freq: 118,25
Phone: + 46 (0)36 - 31 12 20
E-mail: ats.jonkoping@acr-sweden.se
Flight Planning Facilities
Flight Planing room located in the terminal building. Follow C-signs.
FPC, Phone: +46 (0)8 - 797 6340, AIS/MET
Supplier: Air BP
Airport service phone: +46 (0)36 - 31 12 34
Jet A1, Avgas100
Cards accepted: Air BP flightcard, Air BP Sterlingcard, Diners Club, US Government air card, MasterCard, Visa, Eurocard, Maestro, Visa electron card, Swedbank Card, Rikskort32.