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Social Media

Here you'll find information about Jönköping Airports main social media accounts. Follow the airports work and take part of news from the airport.

Jönköping Airport on Facebook
On Facebook, the airport regularly publishes status updates from our operations. You can comment, react, ask questions and share posts.

Jönköping Airports huvudkonto på Facebook

Jönköping Airport on Instagram
On the airport's Instagram account, you can take part in everything from what it's like to work at an airport to following along in the business. We also inspire our followers with travel tips and offers.

Jönköping Airports huvudkonto på Instagram

Jönköping Airport on Linkedin
We publish vacancies on Linkedin. You can also follow the official account where we talk about our business. Note! Linkedin requires you to have a profile to take part in all content.

Jönköping Airports huvudkonto på LinkedIn

Jönköping Airport on Youtube
We publish videos from the business on YouTube.

Flygplatsens huvudkonto på Youtube

Community rules on Social media

Overall Rules
When you interact with us on Social Media, please keep in mind that:

  • Do not write confidential information
  • Do not publish any personal data
  • Do not offend anyone
  • Do not use our comment fields as an arena for political discussions
  • Do not publish advertising
  • Do not use profanity or the like
  • Not breaking the law

Management of published material
If we discover posts and comments that violate the rules above, we will delete them. We also reserve the right to block users who violate the above rules.

If you discover such content yourself, you can report it to

When a post or comment is no longer relevant, it can be deleted, as decided by the Municipality (Stadsarkivet).

Criminal Material
On our social media, there must also not be comments that contain criminal material, e.g. threats or incitement against a group of people, child pornography, sedition, unlawful depiction of violence or copyright infringement. Should such information be found, it will be deleted immediately.